HOPE is going to be the theme and goal of my term of office. And that is because it stands for the following that I will strive to do, ask my board to strive to do and ask you, the entire membership, to strive to do.
H stands for Help accomplish our goals, O stands for Open ourselves to new idea, P stands for Positive attitude at all times, and E stands for Engage more of the membership
Please email Carol at ckorfin@gmail.com and let her know what your special talents are and how you would like to help accomplish these goals." I hope we can do great things together!"
Please email Carol at ckorfin@gmail.com and let her know what your special talents are and how you would like to help accomplish these goals." I hope we can do great things together!"
Please "welcome" the new San Diegutio Art Guild Board of Directors, 2014-2015
Back Row: Left to Right: Dolores Renner, Devora Safran, Grace Swanson, Pamela Taylor Waldman, Terry Oshrin, Lin Holzinger, Linda Melemed. Front Row: Left to Right: Susan Schulte, Carol Korfin, Karen Fidel, Jill Treadwell Svendsen, Cindy Alcoset, Sharon Hoffman, Aleksandra Owczarek, Lynn Ely
Missing from the photo are Julie Bubar and Linda Melvin.
Back Row: Left to Right: Dolores Renner, Devora Safran, Grace Swanson, Pamela Taylor Waldman, Terry Oshrin, Lin Holzinger, Linda Melemed. Front Row: Left to Right: Susan Schulte, Carol Korfin, Karen Fidel, Jill Treadwell Svendsen, Cindy Alcoset, Sharon Hoffman, Aleksandra Owczarek, Lynn Ely
Missing from the photo are Julie Bubar and Linda Melvin.
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